Tips For Planning A Move With A Child On The Autism Spectrum


Having a child on the autism spectrum means understanding how to maintain routines, familiarity, and safe spaces. Unfortunately, it's harder to maintain those things when you are facing an upcoming move. If this is the first time you've moved with a child on the spectrum, there are a few things that you should know. Here are some tips to help you make the transition easier for everyone.

Answer All Of Their Questions

While all children naturally have questions about upcoming moves, kids on the autism spectrum inherently have more than the average child. Make an effort to sit down with your child a few times throughout the relocation process to help them express any questions they may have. Then, provide the best answers you can to those questions. The more information you can provide along the way, the less anxiety he or she is likely to feel.

Minimize The Disruptions

As much as possible, try to minimize the disruption that your child experiences. One of the best ways to do that is to hire a moving service who can come out to pack and load everything while your child is at school. As long as he or she is prepared for it that day, it can ease the strain of the upheaval. Talk with the movers about the ideal schedule and see if they have a crew that can handle it on that timeline.

Give Them A Job

In the days leading up to the move, give your child some tasks to complete. For example, give him or her stickers or a marker to label the boxes that go into their room. This will give your child a sense of control over the events and some clear direction about how to take care of their own belongings.

Also, have him or her pack a bag that will go with them on the day of the move. This bag should include their must-have items, like the stuffed animal they sleep with, their favorite toy, and any games or other distraction items that they use. For many kids on the spectrum, electronic items like game devices or tablets are often great distraction tools. If your child uses an item like this, make sure it is packed so that it is accessible.

Identify Your Child's Challenges

Understanding the things that your child struggles with can help you to make the move easier. For example, if your child has a hard time accepting change, the best thing you can do is arrange the furniture and decor as similarly to your current home as possible. For kids who have problems with the unknown, take them to the new place as soon as possible before the move so that the property is familiar on moving day.

If he or she is nervous about having all of their belongings packed up, it might be in your best interest to plan on unpacking your child's room first. That way, he or she will see that all of those belongings are still safe and secure. Sometimes it's easiest for kids with these problems to spend the moving day with a family friend or relative. That way, the transition is complete before he or she even arrives at the new home.

These tips and the help of a professional mover will help you get the transition over with as quickly and easily as possible. Don't let the idea of moving become an overwhelming or intimidating idea for your child. Take the time to prepare carefully, prioritize the move according to his or her unique struggles and work with a professional to be sure that it's done correctly and easily.


8 November 2016

Stop the Insanity! Moving Doesn't Have to Be Crazy/Hectic

Finding out you have to move again can bring on feelings of anxiety, panic and frustration. You may be tempted to put it off, packing and scrambling at the last minute, or waiting for your "help" to take a day off so they can help you pack. Then there's the friend or family member that always wants to help you by purging all of your stuff and dropping it curbside. Stop the insanity before it starts. Moving and storage companies understand the stress of moving and can help you get started before the move. Then they move all of your stuff without question and will not "purge" anything you do not want them to. It makes for a smoother, easier, less frustrating transition all around.